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We design, host and place websites in search engines, and have since 1997! CDG offers a depth of experience and references that are unique in the industry. Call us to talk to a real person and obtain an affordable price quote on your design or redesign project.


Contact us for a quick price quote with discussion, without obligation.


Your site will look, work and be found better than your competitors.


This stage helps make sure your vision and ours align perfectly.


Site is up and work continues so you are found in search engines.

Whether you are redoing a major website or creating a new style, identity or marketing strategy, CDG will provide a beautiful and functional website. Let CDG design a proposal & test site for you. Our experience across hundreds of business types benefits all of our customers and it could work for you too.

Client Reviews

  • Great customer service. Replied quickly and helped me through my problem.

    Stacey Naile
    Scott County Missouri
  • Dave and his team are GREAT!!! I had put off getting a website for years because I was afraid to do something and make a big mess. I wish I had found CDG sooner. They did a great job for us and have kept us up and running smoothly. So don't make the same mistake I did and put off doing what it takes to not be left behind todays high tech world just because I didn't understand it. CDG has the experience and knowledge to make it easy and seamless. West Properties, satisfied customer.

    Greg West
    West Properties
  • Creative Design Group is amazing! I gave Dave Green the basics of what I wanted as far as color scheme and general layout ideas, and he took what I said and ran with it. I appreciated that he kept me in the loop throughout the design process, and regularly asked for my feedback. I could not recommend a better

    Kayla Jackson-Williams
    Kayla for Judge
  • Creative Design Group is the best. We have been using them for our website needs and we are very happy with the services they provide. Anytime we need anything Dave takes care of it and is a pleasure to do business with.

    Earlina Wallace
    Barzell Rentals