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Client Reviews

  • We are very pleased with service and professionalism of the team at Creative Design Group. They make requested changes in a timely manner and help keep us looking good. We are very pleased with the company and the service they provide.

    Dr. Laurie Allen
    Allen Chiropractic Wellness Center
  • I would like to thank Dave Green for always responding quickly and offering guidance when I contact him with my questions. I am very pleased with the website CDG designed and thankful Dave is so helpful. I'm looking forward to working with him more in the future!

    Karen Hindman
    Delta Realty LLC
  • I have been with Creative Design Group for many years . They are a very good company, and I attribute my success as a Realtor Team, to CDG. They respond when needed, and always offer top notch marketing and web presence options. I highly recommend Creative Design Group.
    Sincerely, Pete Vakakes Century 21 Meyer RE Gulf Shores, Al.

    Pete Vakakes
    Pete on the Beach
  • CDG has provided excellent designing and logo creation services for our City Hall and Utility website! Dave and his group are very personable, quick to respond, and easy to work with! We have been very pleased with their services overall!

    Nathan Blakely
    City Of Piggott