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Client Reviews

  • Incredible customer service and support. Helped us build out a new website with great design support, thorough feedback, and unmatched guidance. Quick to deliver and respond, I so appreciated their communication and collaboration. Absolutely recommend Creative Design Group.

    Caleb Phillips
  • We needed to update an ageing website and Creative Design Group was able to do that in a very timely manner. Thank you Dave for all you did for us.

    Robert Helmuth
    Concrete Stamper
  • Dave and his team are GREAT!!! I had put off getting a website for years because I was afraid to do something and make a big mess. I wish I had found CDG sooner. They did a great job for us and have kept us up and running smoothly. So don't make the same mistake I did and put off doing what it takes to not be left behind todays high tech world just because I didn't understand it. CDG has the experience and knowledge to make it easy and seamless. West Properties, satisfied customer.

    Greg West
    West Properties
  • Dave Green - he is the best! He has been patient and understanding of our unique needs, very prompt with turn around time. All in all - a pleasure to work with! Highly recommended!

    Patricia Fisher
    John F Tinker Foundation